Vocational Rehab

(Chapter 31)

Please Visit the official VA Website linked below for the most up to date information on VR&E


What is Chapter 31?

Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E), also known as Chapter 31, is a VA program aiding veterans with service-connected disabilities in primarily finding employment. It can also be used for pursuing an education. For disabled veterans who wish to use Chapter 31 for attending college, the service member must justify to their Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) on utilizing the program to fully fund their academic journey and how it will benefit them in finding a job. If a veteran is unable justify why a college degree will help them in their chosen field, they may be denied. However, If the veteran gains approval form their VRC, Chapter 31 Will fully fund the college degree.

VR&E provides financial assistance for tuition, books, and supplies, along with support services like tutoring and career counseling to ensure academic success and help them transition into suitable careers.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Not dishonorably discharged.

  • VA service-connected disability rating of at least 10.

  • Chapter 31 Benefits are non transferable to spouses or next of kin.

Eligibility periods:

  • Discharged before January 1, 2013: 12 years from the later of separation date or disability rating date.

  • Discharged after January 1, 2013: No 12-year limit.

  • Extensions possible with a vocational rehabilitation center (VRC) determination of a serious employment handicap (SEH).

    • SEH indicates a significant impairment in finding and maintaining sustainable employment.

    • Must demonstrate impairment prevents vocational training or work.

Current active duty members eligibility:

  • 20% or higher pre-discharge disability rating and soon to be discharged.

  • Awaiting discharge due to an active duty injury.

    • Severe injuries may qualify for automatic eligibility before receiving a VA disability rating.

  • Eligible veterans work with a VRC to create a personalized career plan.

The 5 Main Programs Offered by the VR&E

Chapter 31 offers five options to disabled veterans which are designed to get them aligned with the proper education or training needed for their careers

  • Reemployment: This first option is designed to help veterans return to their former job while also supporting their previous employer by providing accommodations.

  • Rapid access to employment: This track prioritizes finding a job that best utilizes a service members existing skill set.

  • Self-employment: The self employment track will help disabled veterans start their own business. This will primarily connect veterans with the SBA (Small Business Association) and launch them on a track towards owning a small business.

  • Long-term services: If a veteran is looking to find employment in a new or different field, the Long Term Services track provides the education and training necessary.

  • Independent living: If a disability prevents a veteran from returning to work immediately, this track will provide services to help them live as independently as possible.

How To Apply for VR&E/ Chapter 31


  • The fastest and easiest way to apply for Veteran Readiness and Employment is online via This Link or copy and past the link below



  • To submit your application via the mail you must first fill out VA Form 28-1900 which you can download HERE

    • Send your completed application to the Address below:

Department of Veterans Affairs
VR&E Intake Center
PO Box 5210
Janesville, WI

In Person:

  • Veterans can also apply for VR&E in person by visiting a local VA regional office and have a VA employee help you. This option is best if you limited access to a computer.

    • To locate the closest VA Regional Office use THIS LINK